[Read.pCaA] Be Ready An Approach to the Mystery of Death (Spiritual Life Series Book 2)
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Published on: 2015-06-23
Released on: 2015-06-23
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When we wish to emphasize the importance of something, we say that it is a matter of life and death. A matter of primary importance for those of us who believe in heaven and hell perhaps even the most important is our departure from the world and the life after death. After we are born, the only thing we can take for granted is that at some point we will die. In Holy Scripture, death is called the way of all the earth (3 Kingd. 2:2), because it is the road which we will all travel. All of us, therefore, must contemplate our death and prepare to encounter it. Christ himself stresses this, saying: Therefore, be ready, for it is at an hour which you do not expect that the Son of Man will come. (Matt. 24:44)The saints of the Church stress that the remembrance of death is a great and enduring support in our spiritual struggle, both by halting our slide into sin and as a God-given strength in the exercise of virtue. Since we completely forget about death due to the cares and distractions of daily life, sometimes willfully, God reminds us of it in different ways, most poignantly when a family member or friend departs this life for the next.In the present work we will try to see what it means for a lay person to be mindful of the time of death and how this mindfulness benefits the spiritual life. Everything we say is based on the experiences of the holy Fathers [of the Church] who lived in expectation both of their eventual departure from this life and of the coming of the Lord. eReaderGirl Rescuing Your Wallet from Overpriced Ebooks Millennium Crash (Watchbearers Book 1) James Litherland. EVERYTHING goes wrong when the first research expedition from the future lands in New York City in the ... LIFE AFTER DEATH IN THE WORLDS UNSEEN - Book II ... Life after Death in the Spiritual Realms ... Chapter 2: A Passing Situated in the City which is not far from my home here is a large building which carries ... Reincarnation - Wikipedia Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological ... Home Optometric Consulting Services Williams Group Helping Successful Practices Become More Successful For Over 30 Years. Williams Group Consulting is North Americas leading business consulting and practice ... The Jews Behind Michael Jacksons Life And Death Real ... The Jews Behind Michael Jacksons Life And Death. Media Articles The Jewish Debasing Of American Culture The Jews Behind Michael Jackson's Life And Death A Jew ... Spiritual Warfare by Ray C. Stedman - ldolphin.org Spiritual Warfare by Ray C. Stedman . The Most Powerful Force on Earth (Body Life Chapter One) The Church's Highest Priority (Body Life Chapter Two) Texarkana Gazette Texarkana Breaking News The Texarkana Gazette is the premier source for local news and sports in Texarkana and the surrounding Arklatex areas. What Becomes Of The Soul After Death - Divine Life Society PUBLISHERS NOTE. The problem of life beyond death has ever been a most fascinating one from time immemorial. Man has always been intrigued by the question What ... Important Spiritual Information You Must Know about to be ... Download as: SPIRITUAL INFORMATION YOU MUST KNOW TO BE SAVED. MORTALLY SINFUL MEDIA! Most people of this generation even those who profess themselves Christian are ... An Atheist's Approach to Death - Gerard McGarry How does an Atheist deal with death? Two things have made me think about death and Atheism lately: a reading of Richard Dawkins book The God Delusion and the news ...
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